A 4-Year Retrospective of the Russian Ruble

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After historic highs and lows throughout the Ukraine invasion, the ruble just hit a 17-month low against the USD.
20192019201920192020202020202020202120212021202120222022202220222023202320232023406080100120140160USD/RUBThe first confirmedCOVID-19 case in Moscow1Russia invades Ukraine2EU removes 7 Russianbanks from SWIFT3The US and European alliesconsider removing Russia from theWTO and the IMF4The US and European alliesconsider removing Russia from theWTO and the IMF5StrongestRussian rublesince 2015,despitesanctions6The Wagneruprising7Russian ruble dropspast 100 against USD8
Sources: investing.com, Wikipedia, Reuters, WhiteHouse.gov, Forbes, Guardian

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